
Custom Integration

Bridging Salesforce With Your Applications


Comprehensive Discovery

Developing a robust strategy is the initial step in custom integration. It involves understanding the specific needs and mapping out how Salesforce will connect with other applications. This phase is crucial for setting clear objectives and ensuring that the integration will meet business goals.

Following strategy development, gathering detailed requirements is essential. This involves identifying the data to be shared, the processes to be streamlined, and the user experiences to be enhanced. Thorough requirements gathering helps in designing an integration that is both effective and efficient.



Integration Design & Execution

Once the planning is complete, the next step is to design the integration. This involves creating a detailed blueprint of how Salesforce will connect with the other application, including data flow diagrams, security protocols, and user interface adjustments.

The final step is the execution of the integration design. This involves the actual development work, where the planned integration is built, tested, and deployed. Ensuring that the integration functions as intended and provides a seamless experience for users is critical during this phase.


  • Requirement analysis
  • Gap identification
  • Stakeholder consultation


  • Solution architecture
  • Data mapping
  • Interface design


  • Code writing
  • Feature testing
  • Debugging


  • User training
  • Go-live support
  • Post-deployment review

Get in Touch with Frank

Reach out today for prompt assistance and personalised solutions tailored to your needs